Sunday, April 16, 2006

Morality and the political dilemma. Nobody has to check whether the book really exists. Just another cue. Just another book lying on Taffin's table. Who is Taffin? Just another movie.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

And as Clint Eastwood said to Gene Hackman before killing him in the movie "Unforgiven"

Deserves got nothing to do with it

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Raghunath Mashelkar came up with the lily in the pond theory. He said that it takes a lot of effort for the first perfect lily in the pond. Subsequently, the lily doubles it's number everyday. So on the second day there are two lilies. On the third day there are four lilies and so on. What is important is to know that if the pond is full of lilies in thirty days then on the twenty ninth day the pond is half-full. Posted by Picasa